A few weeks ago, we received a Capture Assistance Request from a Good Samaritan in the Love Field area of Dallas. A pregnant dog who had been seen in the area earlier this summer had found a safe place to have her babies – under a neighbor’s shed. The pups were starting to emerge from under the shed and we needed to get them before they started to wander away.
We got in touch with the homeowner and went over for a field assessment. The pups were already very good at hiding, and mama was a great lookout. We went again today with more capture team members and a few plans to try and get this little family.
The homeowner and her mother-in-law had been feeding the little family and they were a big part of us catching Mama. The pups were a lot harder. They had lots of room to hide under that shed and they eluded us for quite some time. But, as all babies do, they got tired and that helped us to catch all four pups!
Thank you to our brand new Capture Team members, Debbie and Aaron Hafele, who led the coordination of this capture, and especially White Rock Dog Rescue, Dallas, Tx who stepped up to take this little family into their rescue program. The pups are still nursing but should be weaned soon, so please watch their page for updates!
Teamwork makes the dream work! Semper woof!