It breaks our heart when we look at the first picture of this sweet terrier in Garland. He was running around a shopping area for several days, trying to stay warm and dry. We teamed up with our friends at Dallas Street Dog Advocates and did our best to capture this little guy but at the end of the day, it was the insurance man that caught him! This little dog, named Kringle, had been hanging out at the insurance office off and on throughout the day so they just opened the door and he walked right in! They were able to contain him in the bathroom and we had a Duck Team 6 volunteer on site so she went to the insurance office, picked Kringle up and took him home for the night. The next day, Dallas Street Dog Advocates met with our volunteer and brought him into their rescue. Kringle does not have a microchip so they will hold him through a stray hold and place him for adoption if no owner is found.