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Remembering Alexa

alexa with rescue dogDuck Team 6 would like to extend our sincerest sympathies to the family and friends of Alexa Conboy. We are so honored that Alexa’s family wants to celebrate her life and her love for animals by requesting donations to Duck Team 6 in her memory. She will be greatly missed.

If you would like to donate to Duck Team 6 Street Dog Rescue, please click the Donate button below. You will be taken to another page where you can donate with a debit or credit card. Please note that you can include a message for the family by replying to the confirmation email that you will receive after you complete your gift.


If you prefer, you can mail checks to:
Duck Team 6
7324 Gaston Ave #124-355
Dallas, TX 75214
Please write “Alexa” in the Memo section so we can be sure to send her family an acknowledge of your gift.

Thank you and may the wonderful memories of Alexa’s life bring you peace during this difficult time.